Uma Nova Era para Fãs de Música com Consciência Ecológica

A New Era for Eco-Conscious Music Fans

Music has the power to unite people, and now, with the opening of the new Metrosonic online store, that power is expanded to include the fight for sustainability. Located in the vibrant heart of Pop-Rock, Metrosonic emerges as an innovative response to the challenges of conscious consumption in the world of music.

This store is not just a point of sale for music lovers. It is a manifesto in favor of a greener future, where every purchase contributes to reducing the ecological footprint. Metrosonic offers a diverse range of products, from limited edition books and CDs to sustainable and exclusive merchandise from artists Fingertips, Meestre, Gonçalo Santos .

But the store goes beyond commerce. It is a meeting space for the fan community, where they can discover new talent and rediscover classics, all within a platform that respects the environment.

Metrosonic has a history of supporting emerging artists, and this new initiative allows them to take a step forward by connecting music, sustainability and innovation. “Our mission has always been to create an authentic experience for fans”, says Rogério Saraiva , Director of Metrosonic . "The Metrosonic online store is the culmination of that vision, where music lovers can support their favorite artists while making a conscious choice for the planet."

The online store is now available, inviting visitors to explore a world where music resonates with environmental responsibility. For more information, or to be part of this vibrant musical community, save the link to your favorites.

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